" When it’s time has come, the prey goes to the hunter "
Hi everyone !
At last, the second set of characters is out for preorder and just in time for Black Friday as well !
The Hunter The Hunter & Retinue The Retinue
They will be available to pre-order on creaturecaster.com with special bundles offers ! Make sure to check it out !
ALL Novac Dawn model preorders will come with an
Preorders will ship in the first quarter of 2022. Please note that if there is a preorder model in your order, ALL OTHER MODELS in your order will also ship in Quarter 1.
With a scale of 32mm the models are casted in robust, durable and reusable SiOres.
The Hero comes with a custom 40mm round base and an alternate custom 50mm diorama base.
The Retinue is made of 5 characters with custom 32mm round bases.
The Hunter & Retinue set gives all Hunter models at a special price!
Best thing about Black Friday is Discounts and we have a great one for YOU !
The Wolf, The Pack, The Hunter and The Retinue in one kit!
Save 25%!
To check out more images and to be up to date with all our models and posts follow us on Instagram & Facebook